Workplace Drug Screening
Employees with substance abuse problems can be hazardous to your company. Issues arise when these employees cannot perform their jobs properly. They become costly when the company has to make up for the lost time the employee did not work. Accidents in the workplace are also a common occurrence with those who abuse substances causing the company to pay workers compensation costs.
SimpliVerified’s Drug Screening will help you protect yourself from applicants and employees with substance abuse problems. We can examine for drugs and alcohol, as well as any medical or physical examinations you deem necessary. We have over 4000 testing locations throughout the U.S.
Screening Options
Laboratory testing includes collection of the sample, transport to the laboratory, EMIT analysis, GC/MS confirmation by a SAMHSA-certified laboratory and a test review by a Medical Review Officer, if required.
- Amphetamines including Methamphetamine
- Cocaine Metabolites
- Marijuana Metabolites
- Opiates including Codeine, Morphine, and Heroin
- Phencyclidine ("PCP")
Protect Your Investment
By utilizing our drug screening program you can greatly reduce the risks of accidents caused in the work place due to substance abuse. By using our screening services you can help prevent injuries that are costly and help avoid paying hefty fees to workers compensation.